US Trade Under Trump: Potentials and Possibilities

MES - US Trade Under Trump White Paper

The presidential elections in the US last year brought a lot of uncertainty for trade relations. The tense relations with China, the withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), the renegotiation of the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and a big question mark for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are making businesses, especially those dependent upon imports and exports, fidgety. MES Inc. is no exception.

Dependent upon imports from China and India, and with over 30% of revenues coming from NAFTA countries, MES Inc. is aware of their customers’ concerns as they navigate the new climate.

Throughout this White Paper MES Inc. looks at:

  • The changes made in the first months of the new US Presidential Administration,
  • The agenda for the succeeding months,
  • The reactions and change in attitude of US’ trade partners,
  • The reactions of the automotive industry which stands to be the most affected by the new trade policies,
  • And lastly but not least, the fight over the void of power left by the US in the trade relationships.

The objective is to better understand what we and our customers can expect on the short term.